What to Expect During a Dental Implant Procedure

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Dental implant surgery is the procedure in which artificial posts are inserted into the jawbone to replace missing or damaged teeth and act as dental roots.

This process forms the foundation for artificial teeth replacement, which functions as the real teeth. Dental implants also help strengthen the tooth structure. The process will depend on various factors such as the patient’s jawbone density, location of missing tooth or teeth, the health of gums, and the type of implant needed.

Why are teeth implants needed?

Dental implants imitate the roots of teeth, allowing anchoring support for artificial teeth. They make it unlikely to slip, cause damage, or fall out. Dentures and bridges also techniques for tooth replacement, but these don’t provide nearly the same support that dental implants do. 

Dental implants can be the right option for people who have:

  • Missing teeth due to injury, gum disease, tooth decay, or infection
  • Healthy jawbone and gums
  • Don’t require a bone graft
  • No medical conditions that would interfere with healing

What to expect before the dental implant procedure?

A dental implant method is recommended when the patient’s jawbone density is sufficient to support the procedure, and the gums are healthy enough. However, a patient will have to undergo certain steps prior to the procedure, such as:

  • A comprehensive dental evaluation, including imaging tests
  • Discussion of the treatment plan
  • Inform the dentist about any medical conditions and prescriptions that the patient is taking. Depending on the condition or if the patient has orthopedic replacements/implants, they may need to take antibiotics before the surgery to avoid infection.
  • Determine the type of pain management or anesthetic that will be used during the procedure

Dental implant in Turkey is a highly reliable and safe procedure that is performed by trained and experienced specialists. It involves a complete dental exam and consultation at the dental clinic. The dentist first determines how many teeth are to be replaced with implants and then plan the procedure with other dental specialists, such as periodontists, depending on the oral health condition.

The patient can expect the following steps for a dental implant procedure:

Tooth Extraction: If the tooth that has to be replaced is still remaining in the mouth, it will be removed before the dental implant is placed. This can be done at the same time as the implant insertion. The dentist typically uses a local anesthetic to numb the area, and it doesn’t take long to remove the tooth unless it’s fractured. After the tooth is extracted, the patient will have to follow the instructions and avoid blowing the nose, smoking, spitting excessively, and drinking through a straw. This is because these actions may create a dry socket and result in pain.

Inserting the dental implant and bone graft

There are mainly two types of dental implants: 

Endosteal – The implant is inserted into the jawbone and this most commonly used kind of implant. It can be of various types including cylinders, screws or blades and the dentist surgically places them into the jawbone. The implant helps hold or anchor one or more artificial teeth. This type of implant is typically used if the patient has removable dentures or a bridge.

Subperiosteal: This implant is placed on the bone. The dental surgeon places the implant on top of the jaw using the metal framework posts. The posts protrude through the gum and hold the artificial tooth/teeth. This type of implant is used if the patient has a minimal bone height or conventional dentures aren’t suitable. 

If the current jawbone structure is strong and dense enough, the patient may not need the addition of any extra bone. This is required because teeth exert is a lot of pressure when you chew, and the bone should be strong to protect the implant. If the jaw needs some extra bone, it is typically extracted from another area of the jawbone, which is away from the implant area.

Healing of the bone may take some time the graft is added and before the implant can be placed. The implant is added to the jawbone. It becomes a part of the natural gum line as the jawbone begins to grow around the implant. This process may vary from person to person and can take from 3 to 9 months.

Abutment Placement 

Once the implant is stable enough, an abutment is placed on top of the implant. The abutment is a piece that connects the implant to the crown. It needs to be tightened so that it stays in place while eating. There will be no pain during this procedure, just a little pressure. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area. Abutment placement can be done at the same time as the implant is added as it goes past the gum line. It remains visible and the dentist may add a healing cap to prevent the tissue and bone from growing on top of the abutment.

Permanent Crown

Once the gums have healed properly, an artificial tooth or crown is placed. There are multiple options including a removable replacement or permanent. A fixed replacement can not be removed for clean or other purposes or even replaced. It is permanently screwed in the abutment or glued using cement.

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